Our database is filled with respected companies offering new and used computer equipment. SearchlightTech works through an exclusive open structure, allowing vendors and buyers to connect and work directly with one another. This saves you time and money when searching for hard to find equipment like CD4071BF3A. For additional details, click here.

Get competitive price quotes from multiple vendors who sell CD4071BF3A. It is fast, easy, and free.

Each Vendor listed below has the product you are looking for. You just need to click on the "Request a Quote" button.

Vendor Region Mfg Price   Qty Condition Description Request Quote  
Great Onesemi Tek Limited Contact Great Onesemi Tek Limited
Asia TBA call 28 call TBA CDIP14 QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE
Great Onesemi Tek Limited Contact Great Onesemi Tek Limited
Asia TBA call 47 call TBA CDIP14 QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE 00+
Great Onesemi Tek Limited Contact Great Onesemi Tek Limited
Asia TBA call 52 call TBA CDIP14 QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE 01+
Great Onesemi Tek Limited Contact Great Onesemi Tek Limited
Asia TI call 242 call TI CDIP14 0423
Great Onesemi Tek Limited Contact Great Onesemi Tek Limited
Asia TI call 14 call TI CDIP14 QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE0143

Buyers, you can…

  • Find what you're looking for. With over 5.2 million obsolete and surplus electronic parts and computer hardware items including CD4071BF3A in our database, it's easy to find what you need.
  • Choose your vendor and your price. Competitive pricing structures are always prevalent when you have the option of buying from more than one vendor.
  • Contact multiple vendors at once. Save time by issuing multiple RFQs directly from the SearchlightTech site.
  • Contact vendors directly. Only SearchlightTech offers this exclusive "open" business structure.
  • Match part numbers to manufacturers. Finding the right surplus electronic or hardware components is easier because the information is consistent.

Sellers, you can…

  • Boost traffic from end users. Increase profit margins when selling parts and computer hardware directly to end users instead of brokerage firms.
  • Improve visibility and branding. By listing your inventory according to part number and manufacturer, your company's surplus parts are shown in more search results.
  • Enhance search engine traffic. Because the parts and computer hardware you've listed on SearchlightTech can be found via popular search engines, your items get exposure to a global audience.
  • Increase contact with viable buyers. Through email, phone or Web RFQs, you'll receive additional traffic from qualified buyers who are genuinely interested in the surplus and obsolete electronic parts you offer.
  • Select from packages starting as low as $49 per month.